Sovereign Foods
With over 40 years' experience in the prepared food industry and commercial trade, we have the capacity to manufacture one million meals per day and have the resources to air-drop meals in any part of the world, in a short period of time. We are equipped to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to successfully deliver meals to our customers around the world.

Sovereign Foods is a customer service oriented company; manufacturing, assembling and marketing pasteurized, sterilised shelf-stable food products.

Sovereign Foods' range of products have been developed for their ease of preparation, consistently high quality and enhanced storage requirements.

We are able to deliver a range of customised meals that our clientele are accustomed to eating, using familiar ingredients, and seasoned with appreciation for local taste preferences.

We offer custom printed food packaging on eco-friendly and compostable packaging. Our in-house graphic design team will work with you in order to personalise your packaging.
Hajj and Umrah